Walk and Talk Therapy
Walk and Talk therapy is an alternate option for individual psychotherapy offered in a less formal setting. This treatment option may be appealing for individuals who want to participate in the therapeutic process while also engaging in physical activity in the beauty of nature.
*Walk and Talk therapy sessions are only available in the Barrie, ON area.
During our session, you are not required to walk the entire time. Depending on your preferences, there are a number of paths we could take on the trail and can walk continuously throughout the session or stop at one of the benches or main pavilion along the trail to talk. An initial virtual session is required prior to scheduling your first Walk and Talk therapy session to ensure we have a private, confidential space to review consent forms and discuss if this option would be a good fit based on your presenting concerns and goals for therapy. Additionally, the option to switch back and forth between virtual and Walk and Talk sessions is always available based on your preferences and needs for support.

The fee for an individual Walk and Talk therapy is the same as an individual virtual therapy session – $140. However, certain walking locations may require payment for parking (i.e. Tiffin Centre for Conservation, waterfront trails, etc.)
One of my main priorities in offering psychotherapy services is to safeguard your personal privacy and confidentiality. With Walk and Talk therapy there are some risks regarding confidentiality that will need to be discussed to ensure you are informed. Prior to scheduling our first Walk and Talk session we will meet virtually to review the consent form and any concerns relating to confidentiality this will include working collaboratively to develop a plan on how to handle a potential situation (i.e. How to respond if we see someone we know, what topics are off limits when other people are within earshot, etc.). Moreover, during our initial virtual session we can discuss which topics you would prefer not to discuss during Walk and Talk sessions and can schedule virtual sessions to discuss these topics as needed. Ultimately, my aim is to ensure you are informed prior to starting our first Walk and talk session, so that you know what to expect. I want you to feel safe and comfortable during sessions to ensure you can get the most out of your therapy experience whether it is virtually from the comfort of your own home or on the trail!
You do not necessarily need to bring anything with you to Walk and Talk sessions. However,to ensure you are protected from the elements and comfortable during our session, it is recommended to wear comfortable walking attire and pack the following:
- water bottle
- hat
- sunglasses
- sunscreen
- bug spray
In the event that the forecast is predicting rain or other inclement weather, I will contact you directly to discuss options for rescheduling to a more suitable date/time or transitioning your appointment to a virtual session, if desired. If inclement weather arises unexpectedly during our session, we can discuss whether you would like to continue the session, transition to a more sheltered location (e.g. under a pavilion), or end the session early.
If you are interested in scheduling a walk and talk therapy session and want to discuss if this form of therapy is a suitable option for you, please contact me directly via phone or email to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.